Welcome to our WSDA website! We are one of the most prestigious and sought after dance schools where we treat each student as an individual and love the fact that all children and parents are a part of our WSDA dance family! A place where your child can develop and nurture their dancing talents in a fun environment with highly trained and passionate teachers. We encourage each child to reach their full potential whilst making it an enjoyable experience along the way of becoming the best dancer that they can be. We provide tuition to children of all levels and ages with beginner tiny tots classes commencing from the age of 2 right up to pre-professional level.

2025 Stage Rehearsal Date: Monday 24th November
Photoshoot Days: Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th November
Our annual concert, traditionally held in November is the highlight for all students and parents. It is held at The Concourse Theatre, Chatswood. Our Concert date is sent out in our Dance Pack emails at the start of each year for you to diarise.
Working towards our end of year concert, WSDA reserves the right to schedule extra rehearsals/alter the last 2 weeks of term 4 lessons if needed due to concert date. The details for these will be emailed out to all parents with plenty of notice so as to ensure that all students attend these rehearsals.
As part of our concert preparation, all students will be required to attend our Photoshoot Day. This is where all students will be dressed in their concert costumes with hair & makeup complete and we do both individual shots of each student (which can then be purchased either on the day of the concert in the foyer or online direct from the photography company) and group shots (which are used for our concert programmes.)
Parents are to notify WSDA by the end of term 2 (at the latest) if their child is unable to participate in the end of year concert in order to make sure that WSDA doesn't order their child a concert costume. Failure to do so will result in being liable to pay for the costume/s.
There are costs involved with being involved our concert and these include concert costume costs and concert ticket costs.
Whilst WSDA tries to keep costs down for families as much as possible, we understand that it can become expensive if you have numerous children or many different dance styles that they are enrolled in. Therefore, we can offer you a payment scheme, where we can add $15 onto Term's 1, 2 & 3's invoices per dance class (which amounts to $45) by the end of Term 3 with the remaining amount for costumes to be charged to you in Term 4. If you are interested in this payment plan, then please contact us so we can add this to your enrolment profile.
Concert Tickets:
Ticket prices and date they go on sale will be emailed to all parents in advance.
Concert Video:
Our concert is professionally filmed and therefore no personal photography/videography is permitted throughout the show. All families will be charged a digital concert video fee which will be added onto their accounts in term 4. The fee is approximately $25.00 and links to the video are sent out post editing of the show.